I love love love this product so much. So glad I found it! Thank you to the creator and to the team that keeps this company going. With love
Helaina o.
Love the wash!! Feels great!
Juliet J.
To be honest, these pearls really work. My fibroids are shrinking in size. They can pull out dirtu stuff
Robecca S.
I love it!!!Made me feel some clean and fresh☺️
Lynette M.
I love the products which is why I chose to make a second purchase. I was very disappointed with shipping options. It took 5 weeks to receive the products. I would definitely like to have other mailing options.
Unique S.
I really need this
Loneisha S.
I love the wash... I’m still trying to see what the pearls is going to do. The first one made my period come down so now I’m on the second one
Lynette M.
The plant base feminine foaming wash smells good and is gentle! I definitely feel cleaner after using it!
Christina H.
The pearls worked great for me, on the second Pearl I felt cramping but I left it in, my results were good, no unusual vaginal discharge after use no more odours and no more brown spotting before the start of my period, I actually loved it, the feminine wash left a fresh clean tingling sensation which I will definitely purchase again with the Pearls, my next step will be the vag steam and I will definitely update y'all later
Monica P.
I've tried the pearl, and it really works. From the first day I inserted the pearl you can feel it actually activating. I will be ordering more.